
Monday, July 23, 2012

Guest Post over at Bentoriffic

Visit Bentoriffic to see my guest post today!
Frog Bento
Today I am so excited to be doing a guest post over at Bentoriffic today! (My first guest post ever!) Sarah from Bentoriffic makes some awesome bentos and lunches. I'm a huge fan of hers! I love everything she makes so it is hard to pick favorites but I absolutely LOVE the bentos she made of RobinSpiderman and Batman. I also love her Beach Summer Bento with the cutest grape tomato crab ever, and her giraffe bento..and this super cute Windmill Bento! The list goes on and on. If she taught bento lessons I'd take her classes :)

p.s. WOW it feels good to be back! We had a wonderful week in Costa Rica and it feels good to be home.  We are a little exhausted (it took over 14 hours to get home counting all the time driving to return the rental car, driving to the airport, time spent in the airports and the two planes) and because of that we haven't really recuperated or adjusted and are all feeling a little bit sick. I will share about our trip later this week if I can manage it :)


  1. Yum! That is adorable; my girls would love it!!! :)

  2. this is just so cute

    would love it if you could share this on my link party Serenity Saturday, that runs from Saturday - Thursday @


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