
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Airplane bento

I decided to post this cute airplane bento we took onto the plane since I am still not quite adjusted to the timezone and still feeling exhausted. I actually am finally feeling better today but I'm not quite sure why it is taking me so long to adjust?! Who knows.. maybe I need a vacation from my vacation to figure this out ;)
I made this airplane bento the night before we left to Costa Rica but my pictures came out really dark so I decided to take a picture of the bento at the airport. That is classic airport rug beneath the lunch :) I made this for Eliana just in case she got hungry on the way down because our flights did not give any free snacks or meals.  I wasn't about to pay for any snacks or meals on the plane, and they may not have been able to ensure that they were peanut-free and nut-free.  Plus this was Eliana's first plane ride ever, so I had to bring her a cute snack!! Bringing this airplane bento worked out perfectly :)

I made two cute little plane sandwiches with a sandwich stamper (because we were taking two planes to Costa Rica). Inside each plane sandwich is Eliana's favorite I M Healthy Creamy Soynut Butter With Honey with extra honey drizzled in the sandwich (my girl loves honey).

The marshmallow was decorated using edible markers to make the Costa Rica Flag. 

Below the two planes is a cereal bar with fruit leather on top of it.  I used my cutters to cut out the word aviĆ³n, which means plane in Spanish.

In the upper right are some peas (frozen when I packed them, defrosted by the morning) and in the bottom right is watermelon and blueberries with an airplane pick. 

This was a simple, easy and quick lunch to make and Eliana loved it. I always love when that happens :) She also did an amazing job for her first time on a plane, and she flew like a champ! I think she flew better than David and me ;)

I link up.


  1. Love the pictures looks great from

  2. Airport carpet, yes! Question I have from all my many travels: Why are airports always carpeted, it seems, while big train stations never are?

    I totally support bringing your own food. Everything in airports is so expensive! It's quite a racket, and you never can be sure what's in what. It looks like a great snack you brought.

    I hope you have fun in spite of the jet lag! I get tired just from the flying, time zone change or not. I find that drinking lots of water seems to help for some reason.

    1. We did have fun-- but we def had A LOT of jet lag! For some reason it took me forever to get adjusted-- not going, but coming back home. Its been 6 days and I'm still not fully adjusted! Thanks for the tip about water :)

  3. Love the colours, and the airplane sandwiches! I have a dinosaur cutter, and I sooo need more sandwich cutters... they make an ordinary lunch cute in a pinch, which is super handy when you don't have a whole lot of time.

    1. Thank you! YES I love sandwich cutters too! I only have a few but I want them all.. its my current bento addiction! :)

  4. ~Such good ideas! You pulled everything together nicely. :)

  5. Hi Michelle! This is the most awesome Bento I´ve ever seen, just because you put the flag of my beautiful country in it! I saw just the heading of your article in my reader, and when I opened it... my, oh my! what a nice surprise, it was my flag!!

    I am SUPER PROUD of being Costarican, and it fills my heart to see this piece of paradise discovered by more and more people around the world every day. I hope you and your lovely family enjoyed your trip. Let me know if you come back sometime, maybe we can get together!

    xoxo from sunny green Costa Rica,

    Gabi @


    1. Thanks Gabi! :) We did have a wonderful trip-- thank you! We can't wait til we go again :)


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