
Friday, March 14, 2014

Birthday Bento School Lunch!

Happy 6th Birthday Eliana!
Today is Eliana's 6th birthday! I cannot believe she is SIX!

She has school today so I made her this fun lunch!  I made a birthday lunch for her birthday last year and she asked for her lunch this year to be similar to that lunch, but with a cupcake instead. 

I packed her strawberries (her favorite fruit!), yogurt, and a wowbutter with mini chocolate chip cupcake sandwich.  I "glued" everything with honey.. not sure it will all stick together as well because of all the little pieces but I know she'll love it!

 Wishing you a wonderful birthday Eliana! I LOVE you!

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Linking up here :)

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  1. This would have made my day if I got it for lunch as a child on my birthday! I love it. Pinned:)

  2. So glad Eliana loved it. Have to 'fess up, I am a WEE bit older than her but I made myself a cupcake sandwich for my birthday recently too (11th)!!! Lucky Eliana though.

    1. Happy Belated Birthday to you! Hope you enjoyed your cupcake sandwich! :)

  3. A belated Happy Birthday to Eliana! What a gorgeous lunch, that sandwich looks absolutely perfect!
    Thank you for linking up at Fun Food Friday!


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