
Friday, August 30, 2013

Simple Panda School Lunch

Eliana's Second Day of School! 
Today is Eliana's Second Day of school!  Her school split the kindergarten in half for the first two days and they also had shorter first days in order to help the kids adjust to school.  And next week they only have school two days. At first I was annoyed with trying to figure out which day she went and what time, but I really do think it will help us all ease into the school routine.  So her first day was Wednesday, and then she was off on Thursday while the other half of the kids went that day.

Eliana had a WONDERFUL first day of school and actually cried when I came to pick her up. No... Not because she missed me, but because she did not want to go home! I had to explain to her that she could not sleep at the school and eventually she accepted that and decided it was OK to come home.  She was very disappointed she had yesterday off and couldn't go to school but she was so excited to be there today! Today will be her first full day :)

Overall her first day was amazing! Minus one minor mishap that gave me a slight heart attack ;) But I must mention how proud I am of Eliana for advocating for herself and being so verbal about her food allergies on her very first day of school.  The nurse called me on Wednesday to tell me that Eliana was having anxiety at lunchtime and saying she was allergic to nuts and that they had no record of this (insert ME FREAKING out, because I did in fact pass in the paperwork and now my heart is in my chest thinking she ate something)! However, the nurse assured me everything was fine and Eliana was moved to the nutfree table AND she found the paperwork about five minutes after our phone chat. But wow. Way to give me a heart attack on the first day of school. Seeing the school nurse number gave me heart palpitations. But again. I am extremely proud of Eliana for being so verbal and safe, not to mention how awesome it is that the school nurse praised Eliana's ability to articulate her allergy very clearly to them. I'm so proud of her! I think we are off to a good year! :)

So for her second day of school I made her a simple panda bento! :)
For her lunch Eliana has a panda pocket sandwich filled with I.M. Healthy chocolate soynut butter (peanut free/nut free spread). She also has a babybel cheese, strawberries and flower cucumbers with cute panda bento picks. Her lunch was packed in an EasyLunchbox, sitting ontop of her ice pack and inside her Bixbee Sparkalicious purple lunch bag :) She also had some fruit ice water (sliced strawberries in ice cold water) in her thermos and a snack that goes in with her as well.

I'm still a newbie school lunch packer so I am trying to figure out how much she will actually eat in school.  At home she has all the time in the world and really does take forever to eat. Because she LOVES to talk and is a slow eater I am trying to figure out how much food to send and how much she will actually eat. So these next weeks I will be adjusting to figure out how much to pack her :) And again -- I can't wait to pick up my baby from school today! :)

For more Creative Fun Food stay connected!


  1. She is so pretty! N what a cute panda lunch, love it!

  2. Yay Panda!!! Happy 2nd day of school :D

  3. Newbie School Lunch Packer - no way! That panda lunch is adorable! Good for E for being so verbal and aware of her allergies. You have taught her well.

    1. LOL Keitha! I've packed lunches before yes, but never for her to go off on her own with to school :) Thank you! I'm so glad she is so verbal with her allergies too :)

  4. So adorable. My kiddo is a super slow eater too, so we'll be having those same challenges and trials.

    1. Thanks Sarah! Yeah slow eating is problematic.. can't send too too much food but want to make sure I send enough! LOL good luck figuring it out too! :)

  5. The panda lunch is so cute {but not as adorable as Eliana} :)

  6. I love those little panda punches, so cute. I'm glad she was able to advocate for herself.

    1. Thank you Jacey! I'm so thankful she can advocate for herself too! Its not always an easy thing to do and I'm glad she can do it :)

  7. Hey! I love your post, and Eliana's lunch box! We have the same easylunchboxes but I feel like my little's lunch is crammed in with an ice pack and a capri sun (which I hate sending, but there's not room for a hard box or a thermos) with our current lunch box. How much extra room do you feel that you have in her Sparkalicious bag? We currently have the Built Big Apple Buddies Lunch Sack.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth!! I've been having the same issue with the drink and fitting everything too! So with the Sparkalicious bag if I use an EasyLunchbox her Thermos stays in her backpack. It doesn't fit all together in the lunch bag. However if I use a smaller lunchbox like LunchBots they all fit in together, ice pack and all. I'm looking into finding a smaller refillable drink container and see if I can put it inside the Easylunchbox because I did not want to send her in with juice cartons.. I do like that her yubo lunchbox has everything together-- the drink stays clipped to the side. I'll let you know if I find anything! :)

  8. Super cute lunches as always!! I'm sure her friends wil be "oohing" & "ahhing" all year long. =) And newbie.... you?? Not even close! =)

    1. Thank you Liezl! hahah maybe not newbie lunch maker, but certainly newbie at this whole school lunch thing! :)


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