
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Halloween Bug Lunch

This lunch is brought to you by the number 8
As in 8 legs. More specifically: the fact that a spider has 8 legs. Not 6.

I had been struggling with ideas of what to make for a lunch...and then finally it came to me. I'll make a spider lunch!! Only to realize hours later (after it had been eaten) that my "spider" only had 6 legs. And to be honest it wasn't me that even realized that.. My husband pointed it out.  I mean the thought had never crossed my mind to count legs! I just stuck some pretzel sticks in her sandwich and called it a spider! Spider. Bug. Who is counting legs anyways?! (well my husband and my daughter for sure..but other than them who is counting legs!!).... soooo this is a BUG lunch or The spider who lost two legs.?! Either way I apparently now need to make a proper spider lunch sometime in the near future :)

To make this simple spider/bug lunch I made a chocolate soynut butter sandwich. I cut the oval using my circle cookie cutter. I put some extra chocolate soynut butter on top and used pretzel sticks as legs. (Be sure to use 8 if you want it to be a spider! lol) I added some candy eyes and a carrot mouth. I added some flowers on the side made of carrots and celery.  And I added some cute raisin bugs too!
Raisin Spiders Bugs. Super cute. Super easy to make. I took an uncooked spaghetti noodle and colored it with my black edible food marker. I used scissors to cut the "legs" (you could easily break it though). I stuck the bug legs into the raisin and called it day. Eliana loved them!

So head on over to the next blog (and the next, and the next) for some awesome Halloween themed food ideas! Click on the pumpkin to hop on over to Laura of El Lunch de mi Enano! [perfect way to practice that Spanish you took in high school..or just use the translator button ;)]

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Linking up here :)

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  1. I love the raisin bugs! So clever!

  2. I love your 6-legged-spider!!! Cute!

  3. Awe the 6 legged spider is super cute, as are the raisin bugs!

  4. Cute lunch! The celery and carrots are so beautiful!

  5. I'm not counting legs...just the 100% cuteness! Love em'

  6. You are so clever! I wish I had thought of that spider!

  7. Love the raisin bug and no 8 is my favorite number!:)

  8. Love your 6 legged spider and the spider bugs, Michelle! ~ so cute!

  9. Hehe, I am in love with those raisin bugs... and your six legged spider ;)

  10. Those raisin bugs are adorable!

  11. You spider made me giggle. Love the bugs too!

  12. I like the carrot and celery accents on the corners of the plate.

  13. I love your spiderbug! I wasn't counting :D

    1. Thanks Jenn! Glad someone else wasn't counting with me hehe :)

  14. I prefer it 6-legged, cuter and less scary LOL! *arachnophobic* :/

    1. LOL Well now that you put it that way... I agree too! :) Much cuter with 6 legs! hehe

  15. i LOVE LOVE LOVE the little raisin bugs! so simple but yet soooo cute :)

  16. Haha!! So funny and so stinkin' cute. That plate is adorable and i just love your bugs/6-legged spiders. :)

  17. Ahhh, I see you found a specimen of the very rare Arachnius-trickius (aka the Tricky Spider) It tucks its 2 front legs under it body, giving the appearance of a timid bug, then, as you come closer to admire its cuteness, it pounces and gives you a spider-tickle. I didn't realise they were in international species :-D
    Well done!

    1. Thanks! :) LOL I'm glad someone else appreciates the 6 legged spider hehehe :D

  18. Very cute! The raisin bugs are adorable, so clever.

  19. I was looking for more Halloween Recipes and found your blog site. I hope it’s fine with you if I could pin some of these photos on my Pinterest boards. Thank you and keep sharing :D They look yummy than scary btw! Haha

    1. Of course you could pin some of my food creations! I love Pinterest :) Thank you!

  20. Too cute! You always come up with the neatest things!!!

    Thanks for linking up to TGIF! I hope to see you linked up again later today.

    Have a GREAT weekend,
    Beth =)

    1. Thank you so much Beth!! :) Hope you have a wonderful weekend too! :)


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