
Friday, September 28, 2012

1,000 Facebook Likes Giveaway!

On Wednesday Creative Food reached 1,000 likes on Facebook!!!!
I wanted to take the time to again thank you for liking Creative Food and for following our blog! I appreciate every single like, every reader, and every comment on this blog. Over these past few months I have watched my blog grow and it is only because of you! so THANK YOU!
Eliana is thankful for all the likes too!
I love that making Creative Food has helped Eliana eat healthier and has encouraged her to eat and try new things! When I started making Creative Food I honestly never thought I would end up loving it so much. But I do. Hubby thinks I'm borderline obsessed. But that is not the point ;) 
So to celebrate reaching 1,000 likes and to thank you 
Creative Food is teaming up with All Things For Sale for giveaway!

So what is the prize?! 
Pandas Pandas Pandas! Eliana's hat gave it away! ;)
One lucky winner will get one Panda Sandwich Cutter Mold and one pack of 8 Bento Panda Picks. A total prize value of over $18.00! I hope you like pandas ;) We certainly do in this household! My grandma loved all things panda and loved oriental decor so my mom inherited a lot of panda figurines--even a panda cookie jar! I grew up surrounded by cute pandas. They are simple adorable. I mean seriously. Have you not seen this video?

Eliana and I were so excited to try out the Panda Sandwich Cutter Mold and panda picks! We made a Panda Themed Bento in our EasyLunchboxes:
For this lunch I made two different panda sandwiches, one with oatmeal bread and the other with whole wheat bread. They were both filled with Chocolate Soynut Butter. Behind the pandas are celery leaves.

On the upper left Eliana had some blackberries with two cute little panda picks. She chose blackberries because pandas are white and black :)
On the lower left she had some cut up cucumbers with two more panda picks.

The low down: Eliana and I love the Panda Sandwich cutter mold. It is soooo simple and oh so easy to make the cutest little panda sandwiches! You simply press the bread stamp down on both pieces of bread. Choose your filling and put filling inside the panda head outline on one slice.  Put your sandwich together, place it inside the base and push the cover down. And voilĂ ! your little panda has become a sandwich pocket! The sides are sealed and the filling stays inside (be careful not to overfill the sandwich or else the filling could ooze out!) You could also choose to just use the base and the cover and make shaped pocket sandwiches.  If you add the right details you could turn the sandwich into a bear, a pig, a frog... the options are endless :)  This sandwich cutter mold is a huge hit already with us!

(wondering what to do with those extra bread scraps after making some panda sandwiches? Save them if you don't eat them right away! You could make French Toast Sticks or you could make French Toast Casserole! or even make your own croutons!)

This lunch took less than 15 minutes to make including washing and cutting of the fruits and veggies. You could take more time and add details but I love how simple and quick it is to just use the mold. The picks are also super adorable! Take note that they are tiny and have a sharp point so they may not be suitable for toddlers. 

Here is my little panda with her panda lunch!
Eliana apparently has been preparing for a panda lunch as she has been wearing her panda winter hat all day every day the past few days. Even if it was warm out lol. It matched perfectly with her panda lunch so we had to take a pciture! Pandas everywhere!!

If you love pandas and want to make some cute panda lunches enter below!
**This giveaway is now closed**

a Rafflecopter giveaway
**This giveaway is now closed!**
This giveaway closes Wednesday October 10 at 12:01 am EST. The winner will be randomly selected through the Rafflecopter and announced on Wednesday. The winner will receive an email notifying them of their win. The winner will have 48 hours to respond to the email to claim the prize or they will forfeit their prize and another winner will be selected.


  1. I would love to make panda lunches for my boys!

  2. How cute, I love pandas too! What a lovely way to make something quick but special for a bento!

  3. I love pandas!! It would be great to have the panda sandwich mold to make quick bento for my kids & the adorable panda picks :)

  4. We love Pandas and all my kids would love them in their lunchboxes!

  5. I love panda!!! Always love to pack simple healthy foods for my kids :)

  6. I would use it to make fun lunches for my daughter - who just so happens to love pandas!

  7. I would use this set to try and encourage my picky eaters to try new foods!!!

  8. I love your lunch as is, but I think I'd try for a grilled cheese.. in the toaster oven!

  9. Huge congrats on your 1,000 Facebook Followers. That is fantastic. I would love to win the panda cutter so I can create some kind of edible craft. I haven't thought of what it would be, but am sure I'll come up with something fun.

    beth [at]

  10. I love this set but haven't bought it yet. I'd love to try it!

  11. Love this! My kids love pandas!

  12. I would so make a panda lunch for my daughter who eats only cheese sandwiches and Nutella Sandwiches. :)

  13. I would so make a panda lunch for my fussy kindergarten daughter who eats only cheese and nutella sandwiches.

  14. I've these but it's too good a giveaway, so I'm entering. :)

  15. Congratulations on the 1,000 views!! Your amazing creations are definitely something worth looking at! As I already have both the Panda cutter and picks...(If you wanna see obsessed, oh boy, I'll show you!) Smh! I'll be cheering for the lucky winner and wishing you 1,000,000 more views soon! (I'll do my part!)^.^

  16. Grats on the 1k "Likes" milestone!!!

  17. These are adorable and both of my kids LOVE pandas!

  18. cutie pandas!! my girls will love it to the max ^_^

  19. i'm sure my girls will love these cutie pandas to the max!!!

  20. I will use this to make many pandatastic lunches! We LOVE pandas!!! :D

  21. Panda lunch! I'd probably eventually do an Angry Birds pig sandwich with the mold though...

  22. My daughter is a HUGE panda fanatic, and I'd actually been eyeballing some panda bento products lately! If I were to win these, you can bet I'd be busting into them on a weekly basis to make some panda-themed bento lunches!

  23. we love pandas! My son's favorite stuffed animals when he was a baby were stuffed pandas- he dragged them everywhere!

  24. My 6 year old daughter would love this set for her school lunches!

  25. Dx

    I'd love to use it to make my own lunches actually! A lot of my bentos are kind of...just there, so this set would make it easy to cute things up when necessary!

    Congrats on the 1k facebook followers :)

  26. I would love to use them for my 1st grade daughter's lunches!

  27. I would use it to make cute panda lunches for my son!

  28. Oh my gosh, how cute is that!?!? LOVE the hat.

  29. I would love to use the pandas in my daughters lunches!! We love pandas, they are super cute, the kind of cute that makes me do the finger tip clap (where you only clap with your finger tips because that clap is reserved for stuff that makes me happy).

  30. My little girl starts school soon, and I'm wanting to make lunch time special for her.

  31. SO, so cute!! Congrats on your 1,000 likes!!

  32. I love pandas!! And I love love love easy lunchboxes!

  33. My boys would love panda sandwiches too!

  34. So cute! I would make pandas for my daughter. She loves animals!

  35. My son is obsessed with all things panda-bento, so I`d use it for many tasty pbj sandwich bentos!

  36. Truth be told I'd give this to a panda-fanatic friend and her kidlet ;)

  37. We would use them for cute school lunches!

  38. I make my daughter lunch everyday and she is so excited to see the different shapes I come up with for her sandwiches. this would be awesome.

  39. If i won i would use it to make fun sandwiches and snacks for my son.

  40. Your little panda girl is adorable! I love pandas as well. My little girl and I have matching panda hats similar to hers too!!! I was so excited when I saw her hat. Hope I win so I can start making cute panda themed meals for my little tot

  41. To make cute, fun lunches for my little preschooler! Maybe he will eat more of his lunches then!!!!

  42. This couldn't be cuter! My kids would love this for lunch!

  43. my kiddo just started kindergarten so i'm just startng on fun lunches! thanks for the giveaway!! :)

  44. Lunches for my son and daughter.

  45. I'll use it to try to encourage my daughter to try foods she wouldn't ordinarily! She loves her "pandy" and maybe she'd try some different things if it were panda-stuffed!

  46. Being a daycare provider it is hard to get the kids that don't eat healthy at home to eat healthy at my house. I would love to incorporate these into our meals

  47. D would love a panda sandwich! I don't have any sandwich "stamps" yet so that will be fun!

  48. I have watched my aunt make amazing lunches for her girls using cookie cutters and other cool items I would love to start and i think this will be perfect to get my daughter to eat healthy food :)

  49. I think this would be the perfect starter kit to get my daughter to eat healthy food if it looks fun

  50. I've been trying to find ways to make school more enjoyable for my Kindergartner. He would love to see this smiling back at him from his easylunchbox. :)

  51. I would love to win this! The pandas are so uber cute! I would use this for my lunches!

  52. I would love to win this for my lunches! It would be so motivating to pack my lunches if I got to make them look this cute :)

  53. I love your lunches!! And I definitely want this giveaway too. Congratulations on your 1000 FB Likes!! You deserve it creative mom :)

  54. I LOVE the panda. And love your blog. And it's lovely header :)

  55. I will use the prize to make my boyfriend panda lunches so he's well fed for his constant schedule of school and work.

  56. I would make some cute sealed PB sandwiches for my 3year old

  57. We love bears and these pandas are super cute! You know I love your blog too:)

  58. I make lunches and snacks for 5 kids. I bet they would love to see a couple of pandas in their bento boxes. :)

  59. My picky eating daughter would love this for lunch at school. I have to be crative for her to eat this would be great!

  60. Thanks for sharing the idea there would be some apprehensions from segment but i am up for it.

  61. I've been eye-ing off Panda goodies of late. Mr Man does Kung-fu so, on those nights when Daddy is 'at Panda' (kung-fu. . . kung-fu panda. . . panda) it would be nice to have a little something special to share with Miss M. Is this open to Australian residents by any chance?

  62. My daughter loves pandas so she would love to have a panda themed lunch!

  63. These would be awesome for a zoo picnic!! So cute!

  64. I will use it a lot! My son loves pandas so he will be super happy with these lunches! :)

  65. The Boy's school mascot is the panda... he would adore this sandwich cutter, and the picks.

  66. This set will be perfect for those super quick super cute lunch days!

  67. I know this giveaway is over but I have to say this is SO cute! I'm so happy to find your creative and adorable blog!!


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