
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Fourth of July S'mores

Happy Fourth of July!!
This is totally a late and impromptu post, but I had to share what we made today! :) Plus I figure the celebrations continue through the weekend so it works! We made some Fourth of July Marshmallows and then made some s'mores :)
I found some inspiration from Meaghan at the decorated cookie for this treat! Ever since I stumbled onto her blog over a year ago (and was blown away by her awesomeness!) I was introduced to the idea of drawing on marshmallows. I had always wanted to try it but for some reason never got around to it until today. ((check out all of Meaghan's marshmallow creations here))

Everyone in the family joined in the fun for this! David made the flag on the bottom left and the stars up top.  Eliana made the top right one and I made the two bottom right marshmallows. It was so easy and fun, and of course tasty :)
Perfectly crispy-- just the way I like them!
All smooshed. Probably the only time I can say I smooshed an American Flag and ate it.
These would work perfect for Memorial Day too!

Hope you all had a wonderful Fourth of July!!


  1. Ooo delicious. İt reaaly good job. Thanks your article and pictures.

  2. What a wonderful pics of fourth of july smores you have here.
    Perhaps you're interested to submit your food photos on a food photography site that has tagline "Food Photography that will make you hungry" :)
    It's free to submit, free to join, and a lot of members can enjoy your creation!

  3. Just shared this on FB.. love this! Thanks for the fun idea!


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