
Monday, June 18, 2012

Umbrella Lunch

An Umbrella Lunch: A Rainy Day Lunch Idea!
This umbrella lunch was so easy to make and Eliana loved it! It works great as the perfect lunch, or after school snack, for a rainy day!

The umbrella is a SunButter, honey and banana sandwich on wheat sandwich thins (I cut the umbrella shape with kitchen scissors).
The mini umbrellas are organic fruit leather cut with a mini umbrella cookie cutter.
The "wet grass" are frozen green peas.
And of course you can't forget to add some blueberry raindrops :)

Since Eliana is allergic to PB we have been exploring other PF and NF options for sandwiches. We both loved the SunButter and banana combination! This was by far our favorite SunButter combo! Eliana wanted to add honey to her sandwich since she loves honey and she did finish most of her sandwich this time, which is awesome since before she wasn't eating basically anything that looked like peanut butter or had the nutbutter consistency! 

Thankfully this week the weather looks gorgeous! Hot and sunny-- so we probably won't be making more umbrella lunches anytime soon! :)

For more Spring Fun Food Ideas Click HERE :)

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Linking up here :)

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  1. it's one of little miss' favorite sandwiches too - even just dipping bananas in sunbutter, lol, basically anything that combines to the two she loves :) so glad Eliana did too!

    1. I seriously don't know why I didn't think about it! haha I used to always do that with PB for myself and I loved it! I'm glad that you helped me rediscover it :)

  2. I wish you could send some of that rain our way! I have had to water every day! UGH! Super cute lunch Michelle!

    1. Thanks Corey!!! I wish we could have sent that rain to you too!! June has been such a rainy month! But for the rest of the week we have high 80s and sun! :)

  3. I get raw local honey, since Z and I both have seasonal allergies. So I can tell myself that it's HELPING her, when she gets extra honey! :) (Since local bees use local pollens, and if you get the local raw honey, it helps boost your immunity to those pollen allergens!)
    Plus she had a cough from Halloween to Christmas last year, and again late Feb-early April this year, so honey on her sandwich was like a time-release cough medicine! :) I'd give her honey during the day for cough relief, and then a 12-hour one at night, so she could sleep. Now I have to find a dye-free option. *sigh*

    1. LOL we tried local honey last year for that reason(David has allergies) and none of us liked it! Maybe the bees over here aren't that talented ;)

  4. These are adorable - we have a link up on Tues called Kids in the Kitchen! I would LOVE for you to join us (it's open all week) here's a link:

  5. What a brilliant idea. Love it. Always nice to be creative with food especially with kids.


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