
Saturday, February 9, 2013

Nemo the Snowman Lunch

What else do you do in a blizzard but make some fun food?! We were slammed by blizzard Nemo here in Massachusetts! We got at least 27 inches of snow!  Eliana and Mia love the snow -- they wanted to play outside all day. Forts were built, tunnels made and destroyed, snow was thrown all around. It was a play, shovel, rest with hot chocolate and then repeat kind of day :) 

Now I don't like snow. Or winter.  But it was absolutely beautiful to see everything covered in snow. Mia even fell and got stuck in the snow before we shoveled! I shared some pictures of her on Instagram earlier today :) 

Today Eliana asked for a snowman lunch so I made this up quick for her. I of course had to name him Nemo in honor of the blizzard.
Nemo was so simple to make! Using my nesting circle cookie cutters I cut bread, ham and cheese for his body. I used mini chocolate chips for his eyes and buttons.  You know when you find two mini chocolate chips stuck together? Those are his eyes :) They worked out perfect! 

With a mini carrot nose, and chocolate jimmy sprinkle mouth and pretzel arms he was all set! I made him a hat and scarf out of organic fruit leather scraps I had leftover from a previous lunch.

And of course Nemo the snowman is enjoying 27 inches of snow too ;) Nemo is surrounded by Skinny Pop Popcorn "snow". On the side Eliana had strawberries and carrots, not pictured.

I'm hoping the snow will be easier to pack tomorrow because we will be attempting to make a real Nemo the Snowman! :)

Linking up here :)


  1. 27 inches of snow, oh my! I remember having fun in the snow as a kid, but can't say I'd be thrilled with that much snow now that I have to drive in it and shovel it!

    Your snowman lunch was perfect for a snowy day. So cute!

    1. Thanks Beth! and LOL -- exactly! When I was a kid I loved to play in the snow. Right now.. not so much. 27 inches is way too much for me!

  2. Wow didn't know you we're in MA! We are in jersey and got about 12 inches or so. My 3 went out to play in it and I made them hot chocolate :)


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