
Thursday, November 8, 2012

Support For Sandy #FBS4Sandy

Today's post is in honor of the Hurricane Sandy Victims.
Hurricane Sandy swept through the east coast and left so much destruction behind.  Millions were affected. We only lost power for one day where we lived, but there are many that continue to be without power and are in need of help. I'm sure you've seen some of the pictures. They are horrific and devastating. As I sit here cold (I'm always cold), even in our heated house, I feel awfully detached from the tragedy. Losing power for one day is nothing in comparison to what the storm has done to many. I am thankful my family in MA, CT, NY and NJ are all safe and had no major problems with their health or their houses.  Some of my family members in NY still don't have power and have had to stay in gas lines for hours.

Jenn Oliver of Jenn Cuisine is calling for all food bloggers to support the victims of Sandy: To post a comfort dish, something that you would make for someone in need to help them feel at home. I don't blog many recipes on my blog that I would consider comfort dishes. But these Oatmeal Energy Bites are super yummy. The perfect comfort snack that is so simple and easy to put together, with items you most likely have in your pantry already: perfect to make for someone in need.

If you are able to donate to those in need here are some of the major organizations that are helping the victims of Hurricane Sandy:

Red Cross is providing food, shelter, and other forms of support to hurricane victims. You can donate directly to the Red Cross or you can also text the word "Redcross" to 90999 to make a $10 donation

Salvation Army is focused on providing food, shelter and support to victims, and takes donations to storm relief

Feeding America is providing food, water and supplies to those who need it as part of their disaster relief program

Kids with Food Allergies has created a community blog that will post updates on how you can help donate and where you can go to obtain allergy-friendly foods

Or click on this button to go straight to Red Cross to donate:

Here are some other posts from my friends in honor of Support for Sandy:
Mamabelly's Lunches with Love
Mommy + Me Lunch Box


  1. Oatmeal Energy Bites are a staple in our house and definitely a comfort food! I made a triple batch before Sandy and again when we thought snow would come with the Nor'easter :)

    1. we LOVE these! Haven't made them in a while but will need to make them again soon! Of course with soynut butter or sunbutter! :)

  2. Thanks so much for joining in and participating today - and thanks for the link to Kids with Food Allergies! I'm sure that will be very helpful to a lot of people.

  3. hard to see those photos of all their suffering back East.

    Your oatmeal bites sound like a great combination...I like the no bake part too!

    1. I agree. It is very difficult to look at the photos of the damage of the hurricane. It seems unreal! That is why I picked the oatmeal bites-- no bake, easy to make and perfect for virtual giving to the victims of Hurricane Sandy :)


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