
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Talk Like A Pirate Day

Yo ho ho! A Pirate's Life For Me!

Today is Talk Like a Pirate Day! AND a Bento Booty Blog Hop! Arrrrr!! 
Come and celebrate with us and of course talk like a pirate! 

**and be sure to read th' whole post, despite me talking like a pirate, 
fer some info on some bento booty that ye could win**

AHOY Mateys! It be a salt-blasted dark day and a storm be coming. Shiver me timbers! So we took our pictures on th' front lawn. This here be our lunch to celebrate Talk Like A Pirate Day:
In this here main compartment Eliana has her treasure map cheese quesadilla. (Me got th' idea from Little Nummies! Check er out!) Me used kitchen scissors t' cut th' tortilla into a map shape. Me chose a sun dried basil tortilla since it had more of a worn treasure map feel t' it. Me then used me food writer markers and drew a map on top!

We went apple pick'n on Monday an' picked a few pears too. So me cut aloft one o' our freshly picked Asian pears an' put it with some cucumber in the upper right compartment with a treasure map pick. 

Me found a blastedly cute pirate themed cupcake picks an' wrapper set very cheap and decided to get them fer this!  They be nay reusable but they worked perfect with this here lunch. Me do prefer blithering plastic food safe reusable picks though because of course they last longer and can be reused.  ((There are some Pirate Ship Cupcake Picks that me found on Amazon and some pirate cupcake topper rings from All Things For Sale that me will keep in me mind for another time :))

What be in this here treasure chest?!
Pirate's Booty. Literally. We made a "treasure chest" out of pretzels ("glued" together by melted chocolate).  Eliana munched on the pretzels while we made this and.. avast!.. there weren't enough pretzels to make a lid on our treasure chest LOL! It works just as well me thinks! The treasure chest is overflowing with Pirate's Booty treasure and some Sixlets "pirate jewels" ((Sixlets are made in a peanut free facility!!)) 

So ye want some bento booty?
Here be th' directions Mateys:
Every blog in the hop has a piece of the map to the bento booty treasure ((a giveaway!!)) As ye go through the hop, collect the pieces and put them in the right order to find out where to enter! There are 39 blogs to visit, so 39 pieces to collect. 37 pieces will spell the URL and there are 2 bonus pieces with words on them will get you 2 entries to win! This giveaway ends on September 23 at 11:59 pm mateys. What is th' booty ye ask? You'll have to complete the entire hop and collect all the pieces to find out! :)

Here be me piece o' th' map:

Now Click on this here button to hop on o'r to Bentobloggy next (and continue to hop on through the other blogs to collect all yer pieces!)

Good luck Mateys! Fair winds to ya!

OK. So how much fun was that to talk like a pirate?! 
Eliana and I have been doing it all day since yesterday.. :-P Arrrrrr


  1. I love your map and the volcano is a great touch!

    1. Thanks! :) that was a last minute mess up. I tried to draw some mountains and they didn't look right. So volcano it was! hehe

  2. You made such a great lunch. Love the map!

  3. Cute picks! Cute map! Cute lunch!!!

  4. Yum Pirate's Booty & Sixlets! :)
    So cute - love all the details and delicious touches, Michelle! GREAT job!

  5. Great job on the treasure map! Cute picks too!

  6. Love your map! The whole lunch is so good looking, yum!

  7. Yummy looking lunch and I LOVE the map, creative as always!:)

  8. Love your map quesadilla! Great minds! :)

  9. love love love love your pirate lunch!!! Creative Foods for such Creative and Imaginative Mind!
    Your blog header is tantalizing. How did you do that? FB message me please :)

  10. Ye map is great! Me likes ye goodies in the treasure chest!

  11. Such a neat lunch Michelle! Just love the treasure map quesadilla; Yummy!!!!

  12. Mmm... We just enjoyed the first asian pear of the season at our house today too!

  13. Your map came out so well!

  14. Love the "treasure" treats mixed in!

  15. The map is perfect! A very piratical lunch!

  16. Love your treasure map!! This lunch rocks :D

  17. Ahoy me hearties! Thank you for all th' love I be feeling from th' comments here!! Arrrrrr! ;)

  18. Arrr...this be a lunch fit for de pirate

  19. I love the map! I love the treasure! I love this lunch!

  20. Love the map and treasure too! Does she like veggies and fruit together like that? I might try it for Z!

    1. Thanks Mama!! I normally don't mix the fruits and veggies together but with the pear and cucumber I felt it worked out ok. She didn't mind it and ate it all. I'm not sure with other veggie/fruit combos she would have been okay with it lol


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