
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Fruit Salad To Go

Back in the beginning of August we took a mini road trip to Connecticut to visit family.  I packed a fruit salad to go in our EasyLunchbox, which worked perfectly as Eliana held it on her lap in the car :)
In the main compartment was a fruit salad of strawberries, raspberries and blueberries.  In the upper left compartment we had mango.  I used my car sandwich stamper to make two cars.  In the bottom left container we had some cucumbers with a cute road sign pick.  

I literally threw this together right before we left. Since we were leaving at an odd time of day and would probably get hungry on the way I quickly decided to pack a fruit salad for us all to share.  That way we could snack on fruit for the 2 1/2 hour drive and it would hold us over until we got to my uncle's house where we would eat. If I had planned ahead I might have made something more hearty and filling, but this snack ended up working out perfect for us! :)

I link up!


  1. I love the mango cars, it is done so neatly:) Now you got me craving for mangoes which is one of my favorite fruits!

  2. I LOVE the cheese car stamper! They were perfect for your trip!

    ......also, I'm so sorry about your grandpa...I'll be sending prayers your way.



  3. Love the mango! I honestly thought it was cheese because the print came out so nicely!

    1. Thanks Steph :) It does look like cheese doesn't it? LOL

  4. Super cute Michelle! Thanks for linking up to Bento Blog Network this week!


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