
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A Cupcake for Lunch

Problem: You are four years old. (OK just kidding with that....but not really hehehe) So the problem is you want a cupcake for lunch (which I completely understand have never experienced said problem)

Enter the Lunch Punch Sweet Set (as Eliana says: "to save the day!") Problem Solved.
So instead of an actual cupcake we made a cupcake sandwich :)
Using the cupcake cutter from the Lunch Punch Sweet Set we made this cute cupcake lunch. 

We decided to make it a chocolate cupcake with vanilla frosting. Inside the sandwich is chocolate soynut butter with fluff (make your own fluff if you dare). I put some more chocolate soynut butter on top to make it look like a chocolate cupcake. For the vanilla "frosting" I used the Lunch Punch cutter on a piece of cheese. We thought adding confetti sprinkles would be fun :)

The cherry and the mini cupcakes are cut with organic fruit leather.

I used one of the crusts that Eliana didn't eat and put it as the plate.

I'll have you know that she munched on veggies while we made this. So no need to bring the veggie police here ;)

This is almost better than a real cupcake. Almost.

And a quick shoutout to my friend Kristen of Pixelated Crumb
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Here is your cupcake.. that we ate for you ;)

This was so easy to make. Which is why I love Lunch Punches.  They are simply one of the easiest ways to make a plain sandwich into creative food in seconds. I have the Lunch Punch Sweet Set and I have two more on the way! I can't wait to play with them all! Yes-- I do mean play! It is part of the fun Eliana and I have in the kitchen together :)


  1. I love the way you made the cupcake, very lovely!
    Can't wait to see more of your fun creations with lunch punches.

  2. Love the cupcake. :) I chose a SWEETs set too! Can't wait. :)

    1. Thanks Ming! :) My mom got me the Sweets set :) I cannot wait to get the other two sets!!! :)

  3. Full of cupcake cuteness! I love how you said "veggie police!" Heehe!

  4. Thanks Jenni! haha well you never know ...didn't want the veggie police to accuse me of not enough veggies! ;)

  5. Your blog is fantastic and I am passing the One Lovely Blog award to you. You can check out the details here if you accept :) Keep up the good work!

  6. One of the cutest Lunch Punch creations ever! Nominated you today on my blog for One Lovely Blogger Award. Thanks for the inspiration :)

  7. Your blog is fantastic! I love it so much that I nominated you for the One Lovely Blogger award! Your blog has been such an inspiration to me! Thank you!!
    You can check out the details here if you accept :) Have a great day!

  8. Still waiting for mine in the mail. I hope they come though. You always have a creative way no matter which cutter you choose. You don't need them Michelle...LOL!!

    Your blog is fantastic and I am passing the One Lovely Blog award to you. You can check out the details here if you accept :) Keep up the good work!


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