
Wednesday, December 11, 2013


I have a wonderful announcement to make! 
And what better way to do that than through fun food?
This Christmas we'll have a special present under the tree. We'll be adding a new family member. Yes. You read that right.  I'm pregnant! I actually am well overdue with this message and kept meaning to post but I never got to it.. I mean only took me 38 weeks to mention it! Perhaps due to being so busy and possibly having more anxiety this time around I just never made things official here. But NOW it is official and there is no avoiding it! This baby GIRL is coming out SOON and we are all so excited to become a family of four! (well five if you count our puppy ;) Eliana is thrilled to be a big sister and I'm hoping her little sister decides to come out before Christmas and doesn't leave us all waiting ;)

To make this cute baby sandwich I just used my circle cookie cutter, mini chocolate chips and molded a tootsie roll for the cheeks and bow.  I used an edible food marker to make the mouth.  It was really that simple! :)

But basically this is why the posts have been more sparse.  My mind has been completely gone and I forget everything. So I'm sorry if I took longer to email you back, or call you back, or completely forgot altogether. It was not intentional, I promise :)  I will still be posting a few things and will have some guest posts after baby is born so I'll still be around, but won't be as present here on the blog the weeks after baby is born.  I'm looking forward to meeting her!! :)


For more Creative Fun Food stay connected!


  1. Congratulations! What a cute way to announce your pregnancy! And soon you will have another little one to make cute food for <3

  2. Awww this is adorable!! I hope your doing well and getting lots of rest!! Sending you and your family lots of love! <3

  3. Congratulations again, Michelle! I'm so excited for you and your family!

  4. This would be a bad time to mention that I was due on Halloween but born December 10th, huh? <3

    1. ahhhhh Karen!! LOL... let's hope this baby doesn't wait that long!! LOL

  5. Congratulations, Michelle. Your sandwich is adorable, and I'm sure your daughter will be too!

  6. Congratulations! As another mom of multiple girls, it's wonderful (most of the time)! Enjoy your new baby! There's a part of me that wishes I was in your shoes - mine are teens and a tween.

    I love the sandwich, too. So cute!

  7. wow! congrats Michelle! And you are almost due??! WOW! So happy for you!

  8. Thanks Michelle!!! :) Any day now (hopefully! LOL)

  9. Congratulations !! Thats a great news ..

  10. Oh wow! How exciting!!! Congratulations!


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